名稱 檔案下載

Kasai, H., & Lin, T.-B. (2023). Language education as a site for identity negotiation: The practice of new immigrant language instruction in Taiwan. Cogent Education, 10(2), 2238151. https://doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2023.2238151

劉堯馨、林子斌(2023)。雙語教育推行之探討:以臺北市一所雙語實驗課程國中為例。師資培育與教師專業發展期刊,16(1),29-55。 https://doi.org/10.53106/207136492023041601003

黃家凱、林子斌(2022)。國際教學實習對國際素養與教學專業的影響與啟發:以 X 大學為例。師資培育與教師專業發展期刊,15(3),25-50






Fang, T., Wang, L.-Y., Lin, T.-B., & Huang, C.-K. (2022). To stay or leave: a multiple-case study of the retention of native English-speaking teachers in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Education Review, 23, 325–340.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s12564-022-09756-7

Vickers, E., & Lin, T.-B. (2022). Introduction: Education, Identity, and Development in Contemporary Taiwan. International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 5-18 . https://doi.org/10.1163/24688800-20211141

Lin, T.-B., & Huang, C.-K. (2021). Taiwanese Higher Education in Times of Change: The Implications of the New Policy 2018. International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 5(1), 19-41. https://doi.org/10.1163/24688800-20211141


Lee, W.-C., Neo, W.-L., Chen, D.-T., & Lin, T.-B. (2021). Fostering changes in teacher attitudes toward the use of computer simulation: Flexibility, pedagogy, usability, and needs. Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 26,4905–4923. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10506-2

Ferrer, A., & Lin, T.-B. (2021). Bilingual Education in a Multilingual Nation: A Study of the 2030 Bilingual Nation Policy in Taiwan. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.  https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2021.1909054


林子斌(2021)。建構臺灣「沃土」雙語模式:中等教育階段的現狀與未來發展。中等教育季刊, 72(1)6-17

王俞蓓、林子斌(2021)。雙語教育的推行模式:從新加坡、加拿大的經驗反思臺灣雙語政策。中等教育季刊, 72(1)18-31





江宜芷、林子斌(2020)。當「大學選才」遇見「高中育才」:大學多元入學考招改革的批判論述分析。教育研究與發展期刊, 16(1) 1-34

林子斌、黃家凱(2020)。反思雙語教育:從新加坡的雙語經驗看臺灣的政策與作法。臺灣教育雙月刊, 7211-12

Luan, L., Liang, J.-C, Chai, C-S., Lin T.-B., & Dong, Y. (2020). Development of the new media literacy scale for EFL learners in China: a validation study. Journal of Interactive Learning Environments,1-14.  https://doi.org/10.1080/ 10494820.2020.1774396.

林子斌 (2019)。新加坡教育國際化的助力:雙語教育之發展與啟示。教育研究月刊,305116-125

林子斌、黃家凱(2018)。推廣課程領導的實踐: 以學校課程領導人培育方案為例。教育政策與管理395-117

Chen, D.-T., Lin, T.-B., Li, J.-Y., Lee, L. (2018). Establishing the Norm of New Media Literacy of Singaporean Students: Implications to Policy and Pedagogy. Computers & Education124, 1-13.


Lin, T.-B., & Chen, P. (2018). The Inception of a Curriculum Leadership Development Program in Taiwan: Rationales and Designs. Chinese Education and Society, 51(6), 324-336.

Lin, T.-B., Wang, L.-Y., & Wang, M. (2018). Diverse Interpretations on Nativeness but Unanimous Subscription to Native-speakerism: Identity of Future Non-native English Teachers in Taiwan. Journal of Asia TEFL15(3), 603-617.

江宜芷、林子斌、孫宇安 (2018)。理解媒體素養:以大學生的批判性消費素養認知為例。教育實踐與研究31(1)1-38

Voros, K., Kim, A., Lin, T.-B., & Fabbro, F. (2008). Media education in South Europe and East Asia: a comparative study of Greece, Italy, South Korea and Taiwan. Media Education Journal, 44, 34-42.


孫宇安、林子斌 (2017)。遊戲中學系統思考:以國中之課程領導增能課程為例。中等教育季刊68(4)36-53

Hsieh, R.-W., Chen, L.-K., Chen, T-F., Liang, J.-C., Lin, T.-B., Chen, Y.-Y., Tsai, C.-C. (2016). The Association Between Internet Use and Ambulatory Care-Seeking Behaviors in Taiwan: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(12), 1-11.

Lin, T.-B. (2016). Reigniting the passion for learning  A systematic attempt in Taipei. Frontiers of Education in China, 11(3), 356-373.

Hairon, S., Goh, J. W.-P., & Lin, T.-B. (2013). Distributed Leadership to Support PLCs in Asian Pragmatic Singapore Schools. International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice, 17(3), 370-386. 

陳佩英、林子斌 (2015)。以異業合作的行動研究發展校長專業增能課程。教育實踐與研究,28(1),131-166

林子斌、陳春男、何茂田 (2015)。學教翻轉:新北市提昇學習力的做法與挑戰。教育研究月刊 25317-32

Lee, L., Chen, V. D.-T., Li, J.-Y. & Lin, T.-B. (2015). Understanding New Media Literacy: The development of a measuring instrument. Computers & Education85, 84-93. 

Lin, T.-B., Mokhtar, I., & Wang, L. (2015). The construct of media and information literacy in Singapore education system: global trends and local policies. Asia Pacific Journal of Education35(4), 423-437.

Wang, L.-Y., & Lin, T.-B. (2014). Exploring the identity of pre-service NNESTs in Taiwan: A social relationally approachEnglish Teaching: Practice and Critique, 13(3)5-29.

Lin, T.-B., Wang, L.-Y., Li, J., & Chang, C. (2014). Pursuing Quality Education: The Lessons from the Education Reform in Taiwan. The Asia Pacific Education Researcher, 23(4), 813-822.

Chen, P., & Lin, T.-B. (2014). Developing the Leadership Empowerment Program for School Principals in Taiwan. Leadership and Policy Quarterly, 3(2), 57-76.

Wang, L., & Lin, T.-B. (2013). The Representation of Professionalism in Native English Speaking Teachers Recruitment Policies: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. English Teaching: Practice and Critique12(3), 5-22.

Lin, T.-B., Li, J., Deng, F., & Lee, L. (2013). Understanding New Media Literacy: An Explorative Theoretical Framework. Educational Technology & Society, 16(4), 160-170.

Hairon, S., Goh, J. W.-P., & Lin, T.-B. (2013). Distributed Leadership to Support PLCs in Asian Pragmatic Singapore Schools. International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice, 17(3), 370-386.

Lin, T.-B. (2013). Teachers’ Union and Educational Leadership. Taiwan Educational Review Monthly, 2(6), 94-98.

Lin, T.-B. (2013). Exploring the Relation Between Education and the State: Introducing the Work of Saravanan Gopinathan. Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly21(2), 94-98.

Lin, T.-B. (2013). Practicum System in Singapore Teacher Education. Professional Teacher Education Newsletter30, 9-10.

Lin, T.-B., & Wu, C.-W. (2012). Teachers' Perceptions of Task-Based Language Teaching in English Classroom in Taiwanese Junior High Schools. TESOL Journal3(4), 586-609.

Zhang, Y., Lin, T.-B., Foo, S.-F. (2012). Servant leadership: a preferred style of school leadership in Singapore. Chinese Management Studies, 6(2), 369-383.

Lin, T.-B. (2010). Conceptualizing media literacy: discourses of media education. Media Education Research Journal, 1(1), 29-42.


Voros, K., Kim, A., Lin, T.-B., & Fabbro, F. (2008). Media education in South Europe and East Asia: a comparative study of Greece, Italy, South Korea and Taiwan. Media Education Journal, 44, 34-42.






名稱 檔案下載


劉美慧、林子斌、廖柏森、劉宇挺(主編)(2023)。高等教育的 EMI 教學:理論與本土實務的對話。臺北市:高教出版。

林子斌 (2021)雙語教育:破除考科思維的20堂雙語課。臺北:親子天下。





陳佩英、林子斌(譯)(2016)。芬蘭教育奇蹟。(原著者:Hannele Niemi, Auli Toom & Arto Kalioniemi)臺北:學富文化。


Lin, T.-B., Chen, V. D.-T., & Chai, C.-S. (Eds.). (2015). New Media and Learning in the 21st Century: A socio-cultural perspective. Singapore: Springer. ISBN 978-981-287-325-5.

林子斌(譯)(2006)。媒體教育:素養、學習與現代文化。(原著者:David Buckingham)。臺北:巨流。


名稱 檔案下載

林子斌、王力億(2023)。緒論:臺灣「沃土模式」雙語教育建構與實踐。載於林子斌(主編),雙語教育:沃土模式在臺灣教學現場之實踐經驗(頁 1-34)。高等教育。

林子斌(2023)。雙語教學模式與評量:跨國的比較與分析。載於林子斌(主編),雙語教育:沃土模式在臺灣教學現場之實踐經驗(頁 35-50)。高等教育。


林子斌、王俞蓓2023)。國中推動雙語教學之有效行政作為:以一所北部國中為例。載於林子斌(主編) ,雙語教育:沃土模式在臺灣教學現場之實踐經驗(頁 139-158)。高等教育。



林子斌、謝文靜(2022)。領域課程中的專題探究:花蓮女中國文領域之個案研究。在李文富(主編),專題的N次方(頁 52-60)。  臺北:國家教育研究院。

林子斌(2021)。雙語教育的根本:雙語學科教師培訓之重點與規劃探討。在洪仁進(主編),師資培育2030 (頁 153-174)。  中華民國師範教育學會。

王力億、林子斌(2021)。雙語教育推動的第一步:雙語學科教師培訓與增能的建議。載於財團法人黃昆輝教授教育基金會主編,臺灣的雙語教育:挑戰與對策 (頁375-394)。財團法人黃昆輝教授教育基金會。

林子斌(2020)。雙語國家政策下的臺灣國民教育:國家競爭力提昇之挑戰與機會。載於黃昆輝主編,新世代。新需求-台灣教育發展的挑戰 (頁 453-470)。財團法人黃昆輝教授教育基金會。




Lin, T.-B., & Lan, W.-Y. (2019). Introducing Teacher Education in Taiwan and the Practice of National Taiwan Normal University. In Jun Nomura, Koji Tsuji & Yuichi (Eds.), Teacher Education Curriculum: A Comparative Study across Asia and ASEAN (pp. 87-97). Japan: Asia & ASEAN Center for Educational Research, Chiba University.



林子斌 (2017)。新加坡教育的發展探究 CA+的歷程。在溫明麗 (主編)亞洲教育的挑戰與展望 (111-136)。國家教育研究院。

Tan, K., Hairon, S., Lin, T.-B. & Lee, M. (2017). Grappling with Curriculum Leadership theory in schools. In K. Tan, Heng, M. A., & Lim-Ratnam, C. (Eds.) Curriculum Leadership by Middle Leaders: Theory, Design and Practice (pp. 10-25). London: Routledge.


Lin, T.-B., & Wang, L. (2016). Native English-Speaking Teachers (NESTs) in Taiwan: policies and practices. In Fiona Copland, Sue Garton and Steve Mann (Eds.), LETs and NESTs: Voices, Views and Vignettes (pp. 151-168). UK: British Council.



Lin, T.-B., Chen, V. D.-T., &. Chai, C.-S. (2015). Emerging Practices and Issues of New Media and Learning. In T.-B., Lin, V. D.-T., Chen, & C.-S., Chai (Eds.). New Media and Learning in the 21st Century: A socio-cultural perspective (pp. 1-8). Singapore: Springer.

Lin, T.-B., & Choy, W. (2015). The Construction of Media in Education Policies: A Comparative Study of Singapore and Taiwan. In T.-B., Lin, V. D.-T., Chen, & C.-S., Chai (Eds.). New Media and Learning in the 21st Century: A socio-cultural perspective (pp. 93-108). Singapore: Springer.



Lin, T.-B., & Wang, L. (2013). The Construction of Information and Media Literacy in Education Policy: A Study of Singapore. In G. Walton, & M. Hepworth (Eds.), Developing People's Information Capabilities: Fostering Information Literacy in Educational, Workplace and Community Contexts (pp. 51-64). UK: Emerald. peer reviewed

Liu, M., Lin, T.-B., & Tsai, J.-C. (2013). Chinese Taipei. In J. Ainley, W. Schulz, & T. Friedman (Eds.), ICCS 2009 Encyclopedia: Approaches to civic and citizenship education around the world (pp. 69-76). Amsterdam, the Netherlands: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.


Lin, T.-B., & Orsuwan, M. (2012). What is Media Literacy: A Study of Teachers’ Perceptions of Media Literacy Education in Taiwan. In C. K. Cheung (Ed.), Research in Media Education (pp. 45-62). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. peer reviewed

Lin, T.-B. (2011). At the end of the tunnel, I look back and realise: the experience of a Taiwanese student studying in the UK. In Trahar, S. (Ed.), The Doctorate: international stories of the UK experience (pp. 48-52). Bristol: ESCalate, HEA Subject Centre for Education, University of Bristol.


Lin, T.-B. (2011). Literacy in digital era: discourses of media literacy and its role in Singapore education. In W. Choy, & C. Tan (Eds.), Education reform in Singapore: critical perspectives (pp. 66-79). Singapore: Pearson.



Liu, M. & Lin, T.-B. (2011). Multicultural education in Taiwan: a reflective overview. In Grant, C. A. & Portera, A. (Eds.), Intercultural and Multicultural Education: Enhancing Global Interconnectedness (pp. 157-176). New York: Routledge.


Lin, T.-B. (2010). Defining teacher competencies in the 21st century: a study of the TE 21 Report in Singapore. In Su, Y.-M., Fang, Y.-C. (Ed.), The reform of curriculum and teaching in a global era (pp. 241-278). Taipei: ProEd publisher.

Lin, T.-B., Wardle, J. & Berger, R. (2010). Balancing work and study: the inter-relations of professionals, industry and higher education. In Clews, D. (Ed.), Stepping out: studies on creative and cultural sector engagement with arts HE (pp. 39-52). Brighton: Higher Education Academy & Department for Culture Media and Sport.


Lin, T.-B. (2009). New media and media literacy: a case study of media literacy education policy. In Leaning, M. (Ed.), Issues in Media and Information Literacy (pp. 49-70). Santa Rosa, CA: Information Science Publishing.

Lin, T.-B. (2009). New technology, new pedagogy? A culture-embedded approach to the role of new media in higher education. In Clews, D. (Ed.), Dialogue in Art & Design: promoting and sharing excellence (pp. 246-251). Brighton: ADM-Higher Education Academy.


Lin, T.-B. (2009). Navigating through the mist: media education in Taiwan. In Cheung, C.-K. (Ed.), Media Education in Asia (pp. 165-184). Netherland: Springer.

名稱 檔案下載

Lin, T.-B. (2022). The Rise and Implications of Bilingual Education on a Multicultural Island: The Case of Taiwan. Paper presented at the Island as Platform: Interdisciplinary Discussion for Sustainable Society conference. Fukuoka: Kyushu University.




