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Lin, T.-B., & Chen, G. (Eds.) (2024). The Practices of FERTILE Bilingual Education: Analyzing Sample Lesson Plans. HigherEd Book. (in Chinese) |
Lin, T.-B. (Ed.) (2023). Bilingual Education: The Implementing Experience of FERTILE model in Taiwanese Schools. Taipei: EduBook. |
Liu, M., Lin, T.-B., Liao, P., & Liu, Y. (2023). English-Medium Instruction (EMI) in Higher Education: Challenges and Prospects. Taipei: EduBook. |
Lin, T.-B. (2021). Bilingual Education: 20 Lessons. Taipei: Parenting. |
任宗浩、林子斌、范信賢、許孝誠、陳佩英、陳思玎、陳美如、張素貞、藍偉瑩、簡菲莉(2021)。重回地方,引路同行:十二年國教課綱精進培力。臺北市:國民與學前教育署。 |
林子斌、林麗菊、王力億、莊宗嚴(主編)(2021)。國民中小學建置校園雙語環境實用手冊1.0。臺北市:國民與學前教育署。 |
潘惠玲(主編)、王垠、江惠真、李文富、林子斌、林佳慧、范信賢、許孝誠、張淑惠、陳逸年、戴旭章與簡菲莉(2016)。十二年國民基本教育普通高中課程規劃及行政準備手冊。新北市:國家教育研究院。 |
Lin, T.-B., Chen, V. D.-T., & Chai, C.-S. (Eds.). (2015). New Media and Learning in the 21st Century: A socio-cultural perspective. Singapore: Springer. ISBN 978-981-287-325-5. |
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Huang, Y.-H., & Lin, T.-B. (2024). Respect and Trust: A Case Study of the UK Higher Education Personnel System and Its Implications for the Recruitment of Academic Talent. In Y. Sung et al. (eds.), The Personnel System for Talent Development in Higher Education, Learning Sciences for Higher Education (pp. 109-140), |
Lin, T.-B., & Chen, G. (2024). Practice-Oriented Bilingual Subject Teacher Empowerment Program: The Origins of Seed Teachers and This Lesson Plan Collection. In T.-B. Lin, & G. Chen (Eds.) The Practices of FERTILE Bilingual Education: Analyzing Sample Lesson Plans (pp. 243-249). HigherEd Book. (in Chinese) |
Huang, Y.-W., Hsu, C.-C., Lin, T.-B., & Liu. M.-H. (2023). A Preliminary Study on the Professional Development of English-Medium Instruction (EMI) Teachers in Higher Education: A Case Study of National Taiwan Normal University. In M.-H. Liu, T.-B. Lin, B.-S. Liao, & Y.-T. Liu (Eds.) English-Medium Instruction (EMI) in Higher Education: Challenges and Prospects (pp. 1-24). HigherEd Book. (in Chinese) |
Lin, T.-B., & Wang, Y.-B. (2023). Effective Administrative Practices for Promoting Bilingual Education in Junior High Schools: A Case Study of a Junior High School in Northern Taiwan. In T.-B. Lin (Ed.) Bilingual Education: The Implementation of the FERTILE Model in Taiwanese Schools (pp. 139-158). HigherEd Book. (in Chinese) |
Lin, T.-B., & Huang, C.-K. (2022). The Status Quo and Development of Bilingual Teacher Training in Taiwan: A Case Study of the Pre-service Training Programmes in Three National Normal Universities. In the Association of Teacher Education (Ed.) Bilingual Education and Teacher Education (pp. 107-129). Taipei: ProEd. |
林子斌(2022)。新加坡高等教育國際化實踐:脈絡、政策與特色。在黃政傑、吳麗君(主編),大學國際教育:趨勢、問題與展望(頁405-422)。臺北:五南。 |
林子斌、謝文靜(2022)。領域課程中的專題探究:花蓮女中國文領域之個案研究。在李文富(主編),專題的N次方(頁 52-60)。 臺北:國家教育研究院。 |
林子斌(2021)。雙語教育的根本:雙語學科教師培訓之重點與規劃探討。在洪仁進(主編),師資培育2030 (頁 153-174)。 中華民國師範教育學會。 |
Wang, L.-Y., & Lin, T.-B. (2021). The First Step to Promote Bilingual Education: Suggestions to the Training and Professional Development of Bilingual Subject Teachers. In The Professor Huang Kun-huei Education Foundation (Ed.) Bilingual Education in Taiwan: Challenges and Solutions (pp. 375-394). Taipei: The Professor Huang Kun-huei Education Foundation. |
Lin, T.-B. (2020). Taiwanese Basic Education under Bilingual Nation Policy: The Challenges and Opportunities of Enhancing the National Competitiveness. In Huang, K. (Eds.) New Generation, New Demand: the Challenges to the Educational Development in Taiwan (pp. 453-470). Taipei: The Professor Huang Kun-huei Education Foundation. |
Lin, T.-B. (2020). Is Teacher Training Ready for Implementing the New Curriculum Guideline? Responses from the Techers and Experts. In T. Tsai (Ed.) Curriculum Collaboration and Practices Vol. IV (pp. 161-172). Taipei: Ministry of Education. |
Lin, T.-B. (2020). The Curriculum guideline in roll planning: investigating the developing model of Singapore curriculum guideline. In J.-J. Hwang & J-C. Hsieh (Eds.) The International Developing Experience of Primary and Secondary Curriculum Guideline (pp. 29-46). Taipei: Wunan. |
Lin, T.-B. (2019). Positively Dealing with the Impact of Decreasing Birth rate in Singapore Education System. In Wang, J. and Huang, Y. (Eds.) Educational Strategies of Declining Population: Trend Analysis of Diverse Countries and Implications for Taiwan (pp. 121-134). Taipei: EduBook. |
Lin, T.-B., & Lan, W.-Y. (2019). Introducing Teacher Education in Taiwan and the Practice of National Taiwan Normal University. In Jun Nomura, Koji Tsuji & Yuichi (Eds.), Teacher Education Curriculum: A Comparative Study across Asia and ASEAN (pp. 87-97). Japan: Asia & ASEAN Center for Educational Research, Chiba University. |
Lin, T.-B., Chen, Y., C. Chang, & Hsu, Y. (2018). Widely Exploring and Disseminating Impacts: the Implementation of New Curriculum in Hualien Girls’ High school. In W. H.-L. Pan (ed.) Activating the Curriculum Reform in Senior High Schools: A transformative Practices of Implementing the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum, 245-264. Taipei: National Academy for Education Research. (Peer reviewed in Chinese) |
Lin, T.-B. (2017). A Study on the Development of Singapore Education: From C to A+. In M. Wen (ed.) Challenges and Prospects of Asian Education (pp. 111-136). Taipei: National Academy for Education Research. (Peer reviewed in Chinese) |
Tan, K., Hairon, S., Lin, T.-B. & Lee, M. (2017). Grappling with Curriculum Leadership theory in schools. In K. Tan, Heng, M. A., & Lim-Ratnam, C. (Eds.) Curriculum Leadership by Middle Leaders: Theory, Design and Practice (pp. 10-25). London: Routledge. |
Lin, T.-B. (2016). Leading Curriculum Changes in Junior High Schools. In J. Liu (ed.) Caring for All Kids: the Great March to New Basic Education (pp. 95-102). Taipei: Center for Creativity and Innovation, NCCU. (in Chinese) |
Lin, T.-B., & Wang, L. (2016). Native English-Speaking Teachers (NESTs) in Taiwan: policies and practices. In Fiona Copland, Sue Garton and Steve Mann (Eds.), LETs and NESTs: Voices, Views and Vignettes (pp. 151-168). UK: British Council. |
Lin, T.-B., & A. S.-C. Chiu. (2015). A Proposal for Developing Curriculum Leadership and Empowering Program for Principals. In J. Lee, S. Chang, & L, Wang (eds.) Enhancing the Holistic Teaching of 12-Year Basic Education: Empowerment and Practices. (pp. 79-94). Taipei: National Taiwan Normal University Press. |
Lin, T.-B., Chen, V. D.-T., &. Chai, C.-S. (2015). Emerging Practices and Issues of New Media and Learning. In T.-B., Lin, V. D.-T., Chen, & C.-S., Chai (Eds.). New Media and Learning in the 21st Century: A socio-cultural perspective (pp. 1-8). Singapore: Springer.
Lin, T.-B., & Choy, W. (2015). The Construction of Media in Education Policies: A Comparative Study of Singapore and Taiwan. In T.-B., Lin, V. D.-T., Chen, & C.-S., Chai (Eds.). New Media and Learning in the 21st Century: A socio-cultural perspective (pp. 93-108). Singapore: Springer. |
Lin, T.-B. (2014). Understanding New Media Literacy: A Theoretical Framework. In, K. Zhang (ed.). Media Literacy Education and Inclusive Social Development. Beijing, China: CUC Press. |
Lin, T.-B., & Wang, L. (2013). The Construction of Information and Media Literacy in Education Policy: A Study of Singapore. In G. Walton, & M. Hepworth (Eds.), Developing People's Information Capabilities: Fostering Information Literacy in Educational, Workplace and Community Contexts (pp. 51-64). UK: Emerald. (peer reviewed)
Liu, M., Lin, T.-B., & Tsai, J.-C. (2013). Chinese Taipei. In J. Ainley, W. Schulz, & T. Friedman (Eds.), ICCS 2009 Encyclopedia: Approaches to civic and citizenship education around the world (pp. 69-76). Amsterdam, the Netherlands: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. |
Lin, T.-B., & Orsuwan, M. (2012). What is Media Literacy: A Study of Teachers’ Perceptions of Media Literacy Education in Taiwan. In C. K. Cheung (Ed.), Research in Media Education (pp. 45-62). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (peer reviewed)
Lin, T.-B. (2011). At the end of the tunnel, I look back and realise: the experience of a Taiwanese student studying in the UK. In Trahar, S. (Ed.), The Doctorate: international stories of the UK experience (pp. 48-52). Bristol: ESCalate, HEA Subject Centre for Education, University of Bristol. |
Lin, T.-B. (2011). Literacy in digital era: discourses of media literacy and its role in Singapore education. In W. Choy, & C. Tan (Eds.), Education reform in Singapore: critical perspectives (pp. 66-79). Singapore: Pearson. |
Lin, T.-B. (2011). Teacher education and teacher quality in Singapore. In S.K. Yang & J.-L. Huang (Eds.), The status quo of teacher education and teacher quality in different countries (pp. 277-296). Taipei, Taiwan: Ministry of Education.
Liu, M. & Lin, T.-B. (2011). Multicultural education in Taiwan: a reflective overview. In Grant, C. A. & Portera, A. (Eds.), Intercultural and Multicultural Education: Enhancing Global Interconnectedness (pp. 157-176). New York: Routledge. |
Lin, T.-B. (2010). Defining teacher competencies in the 21st century: a study of the TE 21 Report in Singapore. In Su, Y.-M., Fang, Y.-C. (Ed.), The reform of curriculum and teaching in a global era) (pp. 241-278). Taipei: ProEd publisher.
Lin, T.-B., Wardle, J. & Berger, R. (2010). Balancing work and study: the inter-relations of professionals, industry and higher education. In Clews, D. (Ed.), Stepping out: studies on creative and cultural sector engagement with arts HE (pp. 39-52). Brighton: Higher Education Academy & Department for Culture Media and Sport. |
Lin, T.-B. (2009). New media and media literacy: a case study of media literacy education policy. In Leaning, M. (Ed.), Issues in Media and Information Literacy (pp. 49-70). Santa Rosa, CA: Information Science Publishing.
Lin, T.-B. (2009). New technology, new pedagogy? A culture-embedded approach to the role of new media in higher education. In Clews, D. (Ed.), Dialogue in Art & Design: promoting and sharing excellence (pp. 246-251). Brighton: ADM-Higher Education Academy. |
Lin, T.-B. (2009). Navigating through the mist: media education in Taiwan. In Cheung, C.-K. (Ed.), Media Education in Asia (pp. 165-184). Netherland: Springer.
Lin, T.- B. (2023). Bilingual Teaching Models and Assessment: A Cross-National Comparison and Analysis. In T.-B. Lin (Ed.) Bilingual Education: The Implementation of the FERTILE Model in Taiwanese Schools (pp. 35-50). HigherEd Book. (in Chinese) |
Lin, T.-B., & Wang, L.-Y. (2023). Introduction: The Implementations of the FERTILE Model in Taiwan. In T.-B. Lin (Ed.) Bilingual Education: The Implementation of the FERTILE Model in Taiwanese Schools (pp. 1-34). HigherEd Book. (in Chinese) |