名稱 檔案下載

Hoang, A.-T., & Lin, T.-B. (2024). Book Review: Powdyel, T.S. My Green School: An Outline. Sustainability. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16104131 (SSCI)

Kasai, H., & Lin, T.-B. (2023). Language education as a site for identity negotiation: The practice of new immigrant language instruction in Taiwan. Cogent Education, 10(2), 2238151. https://doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2023.2238151 (ESCI, SCOPUS)

劉堯馨、林子斌(2023)。雙語教育推行之探討:以臺北市一所雙語實驗課程國中為例。師資培育與教師專業發展期刊,16(1),29-55。 https://doi.org/10.53106/207136492023041601003

黃家凱、林子斌(2022)。國際教學實習對國際素養與教學專業的影響與啟發:以 X 大學為例。師資培育與教師專業發展期刊,15(3),25-50


黃雁祥、紀茂嬌、林子斌(2022)。尊重與信任的體現:英國高教待遇之多重個案研究。教育科學研究期刊,67(2),63-93。(Corresponding author) (SCOPUS, TSSCI) https://doi.org/10.6209/JORIES.202206_67(2).0003




Fang, T., Wang, L.-Y., Lin, T.-B., & Huang, C.-K. (2022). To stay or leave: a multiple-case study of the retention of native English-speaking teachers in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Education Review, 23, 325–340.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s12564-022-09756-7 (SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.573, SCOPUS)

Vickers, E., & Lin, T.-B. (2022). Introduction: Education, Identity, and Development in Contemporary Taiwan. International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 5-18 . https://doi.org/10.1163/24688800-20211141 (ESCI, SCOPUS)

Lin, T.-B., & Huang, C.-K. (2021). Taiwanese Higher Education in Times of Change: The Implications of the New Policy 2018. International Journal of Taiwan Studies, 5(1), 19-41. https://doi.org/10.1163/24688800-20211141 (ESCI, SCOPUS)


Lee, W.-C., Neo, W.-L., Chen, D.-T., & Lin, T.-B. (2021). Fostering changes in teacher attitudes toward the use of computer simulation: Flexibility, pedagogy, usability, and needs. Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 26,4905–4923. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10506-2

Ferrer, A., & Lin, T.-B. (2021). Bilingual Education in a Multilingual Nation: A Study of the 2030 Bilingual Nation Policy in Taiwan. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.  https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2021.1909054


林子斌(2021)。建構臺灣「沃土」雙語模式:中等教育階段的現狀與未來發展。中等教育季刊, 72(1)6-17

王俞蓓、林子斌(2021)。雙語教育的推行模式:從新加坡、加拿大的經驗反思臺灣雙語政策。中等教育季刊, 72(1)18-31





江宜芷、林子斌(2020)。當「大學選才」遇見「高中育才」:大學多元入學考招改革的批判論述分析。教育研究與發展期刊, 16(1) 1-34

林子斌、黃家凱(2020)。反思雙語教育:從新加坡的雙語經驗看臺灣的政策與作法。臺灣教育雙月刊, 7211-12

Luan, L., Liang, J.-C, Chai, C-S., Lin T.-B., & Dong, Y. (2020). Development of the new media literacy scale for EFL learners in China: a validation study. Journal of Interactive Learning Environments,1-14.  https://doi.org/10.1080/ 10494820.2020.1774396(SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.938, 146/283)

林子斌 (2019)。新加坡教育國際化的助力:雙語教育之發展與啟示。教育研究月刊,305116-125

林子斌、黃家凱(2018)。推廣課程領導的實踐: 以學校課程領導人培育方案為例。教育政策與管理395-117

Chen, D.-T., Lin, T.-B., Li, J.-Y., Lee, L. (2018). Establishing the Norm of New Media Literacy of Singaporean Students: Implications to Policy and Pedagogy. Computers & Education124, 1-13.(Corresponding author) (SSCI, Impact Factor: 4.538, 4/238)


Lin, T.-B., & Chen, P. (2018). The Inception of a Curriculum Leadership Development Program in Taiwan: Rationales and Designs. Chinese Education and Society, 51(6), 324-336. (SCOPUS, Cite Score: 0.24, 805/979)

Lin, T.-B., Wang, L.-Y., & Wang, M. (2018). Diverse Interpretations on Nativeness but Unanimous Subscription to Native-speakerism: Identity of Future Non-native English Teachers in Taiwan. Journal of Asia TEFL15(3), 603-617.  (SCOPUS, Cite Score: 0.45, 222/671)

江宜芷、林子斌、孫宇安 (2018)。理解媒體素養:以大學生的批判性消費素養認知為例。教育實踐與研究31(1)1-38 (TSSCI)

Voros, K., Kim, A., Lin, T.-B., & Fabbro, F. (2008). Media education in South Europe and East Asia: a comparative study of Greece, Italy, South Korea and Taiwan. Media Education Journal, 44, 34-42.


孫宇安、林子斌 (2017)。遊戲中學系統思考:以國中之課程領導增能課程為例。中等教育季刊68(4)36-53

Hsieh, R.-W., Chen, L.-K., Chen, T-F., Liang, J.-C., Lin, T.-B., Chen, Y.-Y., Tsai, C.-C. (2016). The Association Between Internet Use and Ambulatory Care-Seeking Behaviors in Taiwan: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(12), 1-11. (SCI, Impact Factor: 4.671, 6/94)

Lin, T.-B. (2016). Reigniting the passion for learning  A systematic attempt in Taipei. Frontiers of Education in China, 11(3), 356-373. (SCOPUS, Cite Score: 0.35, 714/979)

Hairon, S., Goh, J. W.-P., & Lin, T.-B. (2013). Distributed Leadership to Support PLCs in Asian Pragmatic Singapore Schools. International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice, 17(3), 370-386. 

陳佩英、林子斌 (2015)。以異業合作的行動研究發展校長專業增能課程。教育實踐與研究,28(1),131-166(TSSCI)

林子斌、陳春男、何茂田 (2015)。學教翻轉:新北市提昇學習力的做法與挑戰。教育研究月刊 25317-32

Lee, L., Chen, V. D.-T., Li, J.-Y. & Lin, T.-B. (2015). Understanding New Media Literacy: The development of a measuring instrument. Computers & Education85, 84-93 (SSCI, Impact Factor: 4.538, 4/238)

Lin, T.-B., Mokhtar, I., & Wang, L. (2015). The construct of media and information literacy in Singapore education system: global trends and local policies. Asia Pacific Journal of Education35(4), 423-437.(First and corresponding author) (SSCI, Impact Factor: 0.696, 198/238)

Wang, L.-Y., & Lin, T.-B. (2014). Exploring the identity of pre-service NNESTs in Taiwan: A social relationally approachEnglish Teaching: Practice and Critique, 13(3)5-29.  (SSCI, Impact Factor: 0.442, 221/238)

Lin, T.-B., Wang, L.-Y., Li, J., & Chang, C. (2014). Pursuing Quality Education: The Lessons from the Education Reform in Taiwan. The Asia Pacific Education Researcher, 23(4), 813-822.   (SSCI, Impact Factor: 0.633, 207/238)

Chen, P., & Lin, T.-B. (2014). Developing the Leadership Empowerment Program for School Principals in Taiwan. Leadership and Policy Quarterly, 3(2), 57-76.

Wang, L., & Lin, T.-B. (2013). The Representation of Professionalism in Native English Speaking Teachers Recruitment Policies: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. English Teaching: Practice and Critique12(3), 5-22. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 0.442, 221/238)

Lin, T.-B., Li, J., Deng, F., & Lee, L. (2013). Understanding New Media Literacy: An Explorative Theoretical Framework. Educational Technology & Society, 16(4), 160-170.   (corresponding author) (SSCI, Impact Factor: 1.767, 76/238)

Hairon, S., Goh, J. W.-P., & Lin, T.-B. (2013). Distributed Leadership to Support PLCs in Asian Pragmatic Singapore Schools. International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice, 17(3), 370-386.(SCOPUS, Cite Score: 0.61, 149/249)


林子斌(2013)。探索教育與國家的關係 Saravanan Gopinathan 論文選輯評介。當代教育研究季刊21(3)151-161


Lin, T.-B., & Wu, C.-W. (2012). Teachers' Perceptions of Task-Based Language Teaching in English Classroom in Taiwanese Junior High Schools. TESOL Journal3(4), 586-609.(corresponding author) (SCOPUS, Cite Score, 0.58, 174/618)

Zhang, Y., Lin, T.-B., Foo, S.-F. (2012). Servant leadership: a preferred style of school leadership in Singapore. Chinese Management Studies, 6(2), 369-383. (SSCI, Impact Factor: 0.857, 185/209)

Lin, T.-B. (2010). Conceptualizing media literacy: discourses of media education. Media Education Research Journal, 1(1), 29-42.

Voros, K., Kim, A., Lin, T.-B., & Fabbro, F. (2008). Media education in South Europe and East Asia: a comparative study of Greece, Italy, South Korea and Taiwan. Media Education Journal, 44, 34-42.






名稱 檔案下載



劉美慧、林子斌、廖柏森、劉宇挺(主編)(2023)。高等教育的 EMI 教學:理論與本土實務的對話。臺北市:高教出版。

林子斌 (2021)雙語教育:破除考科思維的20堂雙語課。臺北:親子天下。





Lin, T.-B., Chen, V. D.-T., & Chai, C.-S. (Eds.). (2015). New Media and Learning in the 21st Century: A socio-cultural perspective. Singapore: Springer. ISBN 978-981-287-325-5.

名稱 檔案下載

Huang, Y.-H., & Lin, T.-B. (2024). Respect and Trust: A Case Study of the UK Higher Education Personnel System and Its Implications for the Recruitment of Academic Talent. In Y. Sung et al. (eds.), The Personnel System for Talent Development in Higher Education, Learning Sciences for Higher Education (pp. 109-140), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-6278-1_5

林子斌、陳貴馨(2024)。實作取向的雙語學科教師增能方案:種子教師與此教案集的起源。載於林子斌、陳貴馨(主編),沃土模式的雙語教學:教案實例與分析,(頁243-249)。元照 出版。

林子斌、王力億(2023)。緒論:臺灣「沃土模式」雙語教育建構與實踐。載於林子斌(主編),雙語教育:沃土模式在臺灣教學現場之實踐經驗(頁 1-34)。高等教育。

林子斌(2023)。雙語教學模式與評量:跨國的比較與分析。載於林子斌(主編),雙語教育:沃土模式在臺灣教學現場之實踐經驗(頁 35-50)。高等教育。


林子斌、王俞蓓(2023)。國中推動雙語教學之有效行政作為:以一所北部國中為例。載於林子斌(主編) ,雙語教育:沃土模式在臺灣教學現場之實踐經驗(頁 139-158)。高等教育。



林子斌、謝文靜(2022)。領域課程中的專題探究:花蓮女中國文領域之個案研究。在李文富(主編),專題的N次方(頁 52-60)。  臺北:國家教育研究院。

林子斌(2021)。雙語教育的根本:雙語學科教師培訓之重點與規劃探討。在洪仁進(主編),師資培育2030 (頁 153-174)。  中華民國師範教育學會。

王力億、林子斌(2021)。雙語教育推動的第一步:雙語學科教師培訓與增能的建議。載於財團法人黃昆輝教授教育基金會主編,臺灣的雙語教育:挑戰與對策 (頁375-394)。財團法人黃昆輝教授教育基金會。

林子斌(2020)。雙語國家政策下的臺灣國民教育:國家競爭力提昇之挑戰與機會。載於黃昆輝主編,新世代。新需求-台灣教育發展的挑戰 (頁 453-470)。財團法人黃昆輝教授教育基金會。




Lin, T.-B., & Lan, W.-Y. (2019). Introducing Teacher Education in Taiwan and the Practice of National Taiwan Normal University. In Jun Nomura, Koji Tsuji & Yuichi (Eds.), Teacher Education Curriculum: A Comparative Study across Asia and ASEAN (pp. 87-97). Japan: Asia & ASEAN Center for Educational Research, Chiba University.



林子斌 (2017)。新加坡教育的發展探究 CA+的歷程。在溫明麗 (主編)亞洲教育的挑戰與展望 (111-136)。國家教育研究院。

Tan, K., Hairon, S., Lin, T.-B. & Lee, M. (2017). Grappling with Curriculum Leadership theory in schools. In K. Tan, Heng, M. A., & Lim-Ratnam, C. (Eds.) Curriculum Leadership by Middle Leaders: Theory, Design and Practice (pp. 10-25). London: Routledge.


Lin, T.-B., & Wang, L. (2016). Native English-Speaking Teachers (NESTs) in Taiwan: policies and practices. In Fiona Copland, Sue Garton and Steve Mann (Eds.), LETs and NESTs: Voices, Views and Vignettes (pp. 151-168). UK: British Council.



Lin, T.-B., Chen, V. D.-T., &. Chai, C.-S. (2015). Emerging Practices and Issues of New Media and Learning. In T.-B., Lin, V. D.-T., Chen, & C.-S., Chai (Eds.). New Media and Learning in the 21st Century: A socio-cultural perspective (pp. 1-8). Singapore: Springer.

Lin, T.-B., & Choy, W. (2015). The Construction of Media in Education Policies: A Comparative Study of Singapore and Taiwan. In T.-B., Lin, V. D.-T., Chen, & C.-S., Chai (Eds.). New Media and Learning in the 21st Century: A socio-cultural perspective (pp. 93-108). Singapore: Springer.



Lin, T.-B., & Wang, L. (2013). The Construction of Information and Media Literacy in Education Policy: A Study of Singapore. In G. Walton, & M. Hepworth (Eds.), Developing People's Information Capabilities: Fostering Information Literacy in Educational, Workplace and Community Contexts (pp. 51-64). UK: Emerald. peer reviewed

Liu, M., Lin, T.-B., & Tsai, J.-C. (2013). Chinese Taipei. In J. Ainley, W. Schulz, & T. Friedman (Eds.), ICCS 2009 Encyclopedia: Approaches to civic and citizenship education around the world (pp. 69-76). Amsterdam, the Netherlands: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.


Lin, T.-B., & Orsuwan, M. (2012). What is Media Literacy: A Study of Teachers’ Perceptions of Media Literacy Education in Taiwan. In C. K. Cheung (Ed.), Research in Media Education (pp. 45-62). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. peer reviewed

Lin, T.-B. (2011). At the end of the tunnel, I look back and realise: the experience of a Taiwanese student studying in the UK. In Trahar, S. (Ed.), The Doctorate: international stories of the UK experience (pp. 48-52). Bristol: ESCalate, HEA Subject Centre for Education, University of Bristol.


Lin, T.-B. (2011). Literacy in digital era: discourses of media literacy and its role in Singapore education. In W. Choy, & C. Tan (Eds.), Education reform in Singapore: critical perspectives (pp. 66-79). Singapore: Pearson.



Liu, M. & Lin, T.-B. (2011). Multicultural education in Taiwan: a reflective overview. In Grant, C. A. & Portera, A. (Eds.), Intercultural and Multicultural Education: Enhancing Global Interconnectedness (pp. 157-176). New York: Routledge.


Lin, T.-B. (2010). Defining teacher competencies in the 21st century: a study of the TE 21 Report in Singapore. In Su, Y.-M., Fang, Y.-C. (Ed.), The reform of curriculum and teaching in a global era (pp. 241-278). Taipei: ProEd publisher.

Lin, T.-B., Wardle, J. & Berger, R. (2010). Balancing work and study: the inter-relations of professionals, industry and higher education. In Clews, D. (Ed.), Stepping out: studies on creative and cultural sector engagement with arts HE (pp. 39-52). Brighton: Higher Education Academy & Department for Culture Media and Sport.


Lin, T.-B. (2009). New media and media literacy: a case study of media literacy education policy. In Leaning, M. (Ed.), Issues in Media and Information Literacy (pp. 49-70). Santa Rosa, CA: Information Science Publishing.

Lin, T.-B. (2009). New technology, new pedagogy? A culture-embedded approach to the role of new media in higher education. In Clews, D. (Ed.), Dialogue in Art & Design: promoting and sharing excellence (pp. 246-251). Brighton: ADM-Higher Education Academy.


Lin, T.-B. (2009). Navigating through the mist: media education in Taiwan. In Cheung, C.-K. (Ed.), Media Education in Asia (pp. 165-184). Netherland: Springer.